
The time in Cape Town is:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Needs for Lesotho

Jesse and I will be traveling to Africa in less than a month.  This is a "vision" trip, but also a mission trip.  We will traveling to Lesotho to help train local pastors, and do outreaches and distribute items to the local community.  We will also be spending a few days at a local orphanage.

Here are our needs at this time.

$6 will buy a Sotho Bible for us to hand out
$10  will buy a blanket and other warm items for us to give out
$20 will allow us to buy Bible study tools and books to give out to local pastors.

The kids at the orphanage have great need.  Any donations will be used to purchase toiletries, crayons, warm blankets, clothes, and other misc items.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for writing this, it was unbelieveably informative and told me a ton.
