
The time in Cape Town is:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

To all the nay sayers... listen up ya'll cuz this is it!

         These are my ramblings for the night... I don't know if they make a lot of sense, but it helps me to journal my thoughts.

     When you choose to do something off the beaten path, you will have some gasp in horror and try to change your mind. They will act like you are being foolish. They will tell you that living by faith really isn't the way to go. I especially love this one... "Why don't you just get a real job?" Some people that are spewing their wisdom in our direction have well meaning hearts, others just can't wrap their mind around being "called". This lifestyle we are choosing makes no sense.

     In the last few days I have had to go back and read my journal. I have kept a journal, in great detail, of the last 10 month. I'm so glad I did this, knowing that the enemy will come in and try to defeat and steal, kill and destroy. I can go back and look at how He spoke, at what He has done, how He has directed. The Lord has been everywhere. He has provided in ways only He could. He has built our faith and made us do thing that have been uncomfortable, all to build our trust in Him. He has taught us to hear His voice. I love this!!!

     Listening to the Lord and hearing His voice, is huge! I love how in the last few years God has really worked on this in me. Now, I recognize Him and will follow wholeheartedly instead of questioning if it was God. This has a great purpose in the life of a Christian, because there will also be other voices that speak contrary to what you heard the Lord speak. Sometimes contrary messages even come from people you love. Others can view what God is doing in our lives as risky, dangerous, not a real solid foundation for our family. There is crime, rape, Aids... the list goes on. We don't have all of our support, yet we are still going.

     Let me tell you WHY we are still going... Because GOD said to go!!! He has been very clear that we will be safest in His plan. He has been very clear that He will provide everything we need financially. I have watched Him do miraculous things in our lives just in the last 10 months. He provided a home the day we needed to be out of our old home, for free and it is over 8000sq ft. He provided for our passports, visas and air plane tickets, all without us asking. He has provided every bit of support we have without us fundraising. I don't know how He plans on protecting us, I don't know how He will support us, but I KNOW (ginoskos) He will... Because He said so! There is no firmer a foundation.

 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13-14

     In the words of my pastor today: We should only be tethered to this world while we're seated in heavenly places in Christ. Get heavenly minded! (Steve Berger)  We are aware of the risks, the disease the crime, but if we did not go to Africa we would be outside of God's will. We cannot and will not conform to what people say because we know what God has said! Our sojourn on this earth is super short, a vapor, my life begins when I get to my Heavenly Kingdom, but I want to live for that Kingdom today!

     I care deeply for many that have offered their advice and warned us about what is going on in South Africa. I love many who have their own ideas about when the best timing would be for us to go. 

Here is what the Lord has been working in me:

Hab 2:1 I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me.

Because of all of this waiting and watching it has made us very in tune with hearing His voice!

Heb 3:15 "Today if you hear His voice , do not harden your hearts."     

I have learned to hear His voice and act instead of second guessing Him. If I do step out prematurely He is always there to redirect.

Romans 4:20-21"Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised."

     If God speaks to us through His word, and through His Spirit I cannot waver through unbelief. He spoke, I heard and now I must obey. 

     I guess when it comes down to it, I desire wisdom and Godly counsel... I crave to be in the presence of wise Christians and listen to their wisdom. I have a teachable spirit and desire God's best in my life! But, when people speak contrary to what the Lord has spoken to us I only have one choice and that is to do the Lord's will.

     I am thankful for the support of those that have watched God's hand on us since the beginning of this journey. I am so very thankful for the prayer warriors in our lives and I am thankful for the people God has and is raising up to support us. It has been humbling to watch God do this! I pray that in everything we do HIS NAME BE PRAISE. That people will see God glorified here on Earth!

This now concludes my ramblings!

Blessings Friends,




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