
The time in Cape Town is:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Just thought you would want to know

This is probably a very silly post. But, just in case you were wondering about what kind of chips we have over here, I am going to fill you in! There are no BIG bag of chips. Our regular sized large chip bag is nowhere to be seen here. All the chip bags are a little bigger than single serving sizes. This maybe explains some of the weight issues America struggles with or it could have nothing to do with chips at all... how would I know. Plus I like large bags of chips, it's one of my flaws. Anyway's, this is one of our bags of chips.

You can kind of see from the size of my hand that if I opened my hand up next to it, the bag would be a little bigger than my hand. This kind of chip wants to believe he is a cheetos chip, but it is not. They do give it a good try even looking the part.

They have the look down! The color! Even have excellent crunch... it is the cheesy taste of a cheetos that is missing. All in all Nik Naks are pretty darn good and when you are having a pregnant cheetos craving they will satisfy. (Not that I know anyone that has such cravings, that may or may not be my hand)

I now feel much better that you all know about our chip bags. I know you were just aching to know the chip details and I feel privileged to have brought you into the know! Now go eat some real cheetos for me or real doritos or those kruncher chips... my fave.

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