
The time in Cape Town is:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Today I went to Mountain View. Its an area of Ocean View that has really been on my heart lately. I try to walk around and just pray and ask God for who he wants me to meet. Today I went to the preschool that was there and hung out with some of the kids for a bit. They play with broken toys, puzzles missing pieces, and read books missing pages. They don't know what they are missing and play happily, excites to have an "uncle" there to read with them.

I made a few rounds and wasn't really seeing anyone out. I had one person that I ran into in our village yesterday while he was rummaging thru trash cans. I told him I would come see him today. I was walking with a group of YWAM people and as we were praying with a young pregnant teenager a man came up and said we need to pray for a lady that was very sick around the corner. We couldn't find the lady and so I went to visit my guy and they went back to the preschool. As I arrived at the young mans house a lady said she was very sick and asked if I could pray for her. Turns out she was the lady we were looking for (funny how that works) and so I went and grabbed the YWAM team. As they prayed outside I stepped inside to visit with the young man.

The smell is one that is difficult to describe. Its overpowering. It demands attention. There is no running water here and thus no indoor plumbing. Most people keep a bucket outside for the bathroom, these people kept on inside. The house all have dirt floors. Some try to cover with plastic and carpet, others let it be. The boy and his girlfriend just woke up. They live in this small 2 room house with his mom and her boyfriend. They were sleeping on the couch. Brian (fake name) dropped at of school after grade 6, same with his girlfriend.  We talk about school and what his work prospects are. There is a construction project looking for people but he doesn't have his ID, but he's working on it. His mom has TB. I'm worried for him. His girlfriend tells me he is HIV. He says no she's lying. She leaves. I press the issue. Embarrassed to admit it, but eventually he tells me the truth. In addition to his HIV he had the deadly combination of HIV and TB. TB is the new south Africa killer. A weakened immune system from the HIV, ones body just can't fight the TB. He's on no meds. I make some calls. Make an appointment for him at the clinic to see a counselor and help him get on the right meds. I tell him this is no joke and he says he knows its what killed his daddy.  To make matters worse he is addict to buttons. A local sedative-hypnotic drug that is smoked.  He does it daily. Often using food money to buy drugs. He wants to stop. I tell him he needs to stop. His body needs strength. Some sort of food, not narcotics.

He's 18, HIV+, TB, and a drug addict. Already been in prison for breaking into houses. This boy needs Jesus and he needs a miracle.

We prayed together. Asking God to touch and heal his body. I offered a ride to the clinic but he wanted to walk. Told him I would swing by tomorrow to see what happens.

Even with the best medical condition I would worry about this kid. Here in these conditions, its mission impossible, but God.......

Thanks for praying friends.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Shelby, and for that young man.
    The desperation is heart-breaking.
