
The time in Cape Town is:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 It's all about Jesus and walking humbly!

                                  Taken while driving around Chapmans peak Dec. 30, 2011

Always in the beginning of a new year I take time to reflect on what the last year held for me and where I believe the Lord is directing me for the new year.

He has given me 2 themes, I say this for lack of a better word. They are Jesus and humility! So, this year that is what I will try and walk in. Everything goes back to Jesus, everything is filtered thru Jesus, it is ALL about Jesus. He was there in the beginning, He was there last year and He is here now in this moment and will be here no matter where this year takes us! To walk humbly, if Jesus (Phil 2:7) "made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant." then I can put down all my stuff and put others first too!

Really I just think a lot of being humble can be found in just being real. I am not at all perfect, I don't have a perfect family, my house is messy 90% of the time... the list goes on. So, this year I will not pretend to have it all together and I hope others have freedom to not be perfect either. We all have area's God wants us to work on and we can humbly work on those things and helping others work on their stuff all because Jesus saved us from a mess and we walk humbly knowing we have been forgiven and shown tons of grace and mercy.

Thank you Jesus for who you are, for always showing your self to me and never giving up on me! You are so faithful to all of us! Let this year be a year that we all get to know you even more, that we go deep with you and press in closer to you. Thank you Lord for being an example of humility and a servant, help me to follow hard after you and be able to walk humbly before you. I love you Lord! Amen



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