
The time in Cape Town is:

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm a missionary too!

Local Kommetjie missionaries

Awhile back, Gabe wanted to go to Lifexchange with Shelby and Shelby didn't know if he wanted to bring him that day. Gabe stood his ground and finally said, "Dad, I'm a missionary too! Let me go with you!" And he went with him. We have laughed at that statement and also loved hearing his heart. Our kids are missionaries too, even if just at home or in our neighborhood.

Today the boys came home and told me about their friend that lives across the street. He prays to a god named  khnum. Both of the boys sprang into action. I have to say, I am so thankful for their hearts, I am so thankful that not for a second were they ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Eli full on John 3:16 the kid, telling him about God sending His one and only Son to save us. Gabe argued his point that Jesus is real and this other God is not a real God.

Now, the thing is Gabe could only take his argument so far. But, he came home and told me the story and asked for help. "How, do you prove that Jesus is real and this other God is fake?" I love that he didn't know, but he never doubted and he wanted to learn and equip himself for tomorrows debate.

My kids are missionaries! We all are! I am going to encourage you to look for opportunities to share Christ and don't back down. Don't shrink because it is uncomfortable, don't not put in a good argument for Christ because you don't know all of the answers. There is TONS of study material out there, good sermons to listen to and books to read. You have no excuse for not learning the answers. Go be missionaries, wherever your mission field brings you today. And may the peace of Christ be with you as you take Jesus to others.



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